Boise Is #1 Again…For Dog Parks
Boise has recently ranked high on a lot of "best places to" lists. Fastest growing cities, best places to live and raise a family even best breweries. Now we've been ranked high on another list, one that is more important than all the others, tops in the US for dog parks. According to The Trust For Public Land and their latest rankings for it's annual Parkscore, Boise has moved up in rank from last year to #21 in the country for people, Washington D.C. ranked #1. When it comes to dog parks though, Boise is tops! #1 ranking. The next closest city is our neighbor to the west, Portland.
The Treasure Valley, is undoubtedly a dog kind of place. We love our four legged friends and a lot of the park rules reflect that. From the Idahostatesman story, we average 5.7 dog parks per 100,000. When you pair that with dog friendly rules and other amenities, Boise is dogs best friend.
Although we are tops for dogs, we have a lot of room to grow our parks for humans. One big factor are amenities for humans. Basketball or tennis courts, safe playgrounds and other lifestyle amenities need to be added to our parks, in order to compete with other cities.
Most of us have been to a park at some point in out lives, maybe you go often to walk or ride a bike or talk the dog for a walk. Let's make sure we are keeping our parks clean and be willing to help our communities to continue to invest, to keep them great.