Annual HOA Meeting, Not Always Fun But So Important
Last night I did more adulting than I had ever done in my life, I attended our subdivisions annual Homeowners Association Meeting. Having never gone to a meeting like this before I wasn't sure what to expect but I will say as much as I didn't want to go, I'm really glad I did. It's important to find out how our money as a community is being used.
It was probably the last thing I wanted to do at 6:30 p.m. last night but I enjoy knowing what is going on so I quit making excuses and made it over to the school where the meeting was being held.
First there were some introductions, and quickly the meeting jumped into the budget. It was impressive to see so many neighbors asking questions and making sure that money wasn't being wasted and holding our board/management team accountable for every dollar that was being spent.
Personally, there were some things that I didn't like from the budget talk. But instead of getting mad, I will continue to go back and make sure things are going in a positive direction. I believe everyone there had good intentions just different ideas or ways to create solutions.
Then we started talking about voting for board members and the actual vote. It was interesting even in small town HOA boards how there is some mudslinging going on. Again, it's great that people care, but that is where the meeting got the most intense with peoples feelings.
Long story short, I found it very important to go to HOA meetings moving forward. It's not always what you want to do but you need to make sure your money is being wasted which results in higher HOA dues. Plus knowing what changes are going on in your community is always a good thing.