Snow and more snow continues to hit the Treasure Valley.  Once again a number of people will find themselves involved in a car wreak.  Here are some tips on how to avoid heading to the hospital or body shop.Our friends at AAA have developed a list to help keep you safe while driving on Idaho's now snowy and icy roads.  They advise that it's best to stay home if possible.  Then again, most of us have to work to get things done.

You know the old saying, slow and study wins the race.  In the case of driving in the snow and ice,  the slower you drive the more traction you'll have on the roads.  While driving always give yourself plenty of time to speed up and slow down.

Be aware that people run red lights, whether it's snowing or the not here and everywhere.  Look both ways before accelerating out of a stop. Better safe and cautious, than being t-boned.  Don't be too dependent on anti-lock brakes.  When it comes to stopping quickly, keep the heel of your foot on the floor and use the ball of your foot to apply firm, steady pressure on the brake pedal.

AAA advises that if you're traveling long distance that it's best to check the weather before departing.  Click the link here for a complete list of Winter driving safety tips.


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