What Has Ada County Highway District Learned After This Winter Season?
This winter, the Treasure Valley was hit hard with repeated snow events that required the plowing and removal services of ACHD. What lessons have been learned from that?
First, the cost of the removal was about 6.2 million dollars, and that cost can be covered this year almost entirely by money carried over from last year's budget. That carryover was 6 million dollars. One of the biggest concerns moving forward is that it is unlikely similar monies would be available next year, and if similar needs arise, paying for them could prove to be challenging.
In addition, there were concerns and complaints about the ACHD's priorities for plowing. Spokespersons have shared that the plan was to cover major roads first, and work from there to well-traveled side streets, and even though not originally in the plan, concern from residents about the lack of plowing on neighborhood roads (and the difficulty in getting around them as ice would freeze again and again) meant a change in the original plan.
At the very least, there are communication changes that the ACHD says need to happen, and budget and equipment estimating that is underway.
For more on this, check out the Idaho Statesman's story, HERE.
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