Ugly Halloween Sweaters are the New Fall Trend the Treasure Valley Must Embrace
Take all of my money!
Earlier this week when we were talking about seasonal Halloween stores taking advantage of some prime empty Treasure Valley real estate, I dropped the knowledge on you that the spooky holiday is now a $9.1 BILLLION industry in the United States. With retailers raking in that much cash, you know people are spending money on things other than costumes and candy to pass out at trunk-or-treats!
Those retailers target people like me who like to be a little extra when it comes to any holiday. Does that sound like you? Then pass this article on to your friends and family and let's make the new "Ugly Halloween Sweaters" trend a thing in the Treasure Valley! These sweaters are going viral and replace the snowflakes, trees and poinsettias you're used to seeing on obnoxious Christmas sweaters with things like pumpkins, skeletons and bats.
I thought they were adorable so I ordered one and proudly wore it on the first "un-official" day of Halloween (October 1.) My husband didn't find it quite as cute as I did and told everyone that I have no taste. I got a ton of compliments on it...so I think he's wrong. What say you? Are Ugly Halloween Sweaters the cool new thing or would you be embarrassed to be seen with someone wearing one?
FunCostumes.Com $39.99
eBay $22
Amazon $41.99
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