The Peregrine Fund in Boise Launched its Bosch KestrelCam
I feel like my new hobby is watching animals birth their young online. It's kinda weird, but kinda cool at the same time. I thought I waited a long time for the bald eagles to hatch in Florida, until I started following April the Giraffe at Animal Adventure Park in New York. Giraffes are typically pregnant for about 14-15 months. Poor April has been pregnant since late 2015! But...I still watch.
Here's a local cam to add to the list! The Peregrine Fund launched its Bosch KestrelCam for the season! One American Kestrel egg already has been laid. They typically lay one egg every other day and then they start incubating.
We love The Peregrine Fund on The Mix Morning Show and have even had them in-studio with Corbin Maxey a few times. They do an amazing job in what they do and sharing the excitement with the Treasure Valley is so cool!
Follow along with the live stream HERE!