School Closures

Updated Weds Closures
Updated Weds Closures
Updated Weds Closures
While conditions have improved across most of the the Treasure Valley, there are still closures in Southern Idaho to report for today (Wednesday, January 11, 2017).
Delays & School Closures
Delays & School Closures
Delays & School Closures
The snow storm has hit the Treasure Valley pretty hard overnight and we are working on getting you the latest on School Closures. Here is what we know so far.
School Closures & Delays
School Closures & Delays
School Closures & Delays
A "White Christmas" looks like it could be a possibility for the Treasure Valley, if Christmas was today. Here is a list of the most current School Closure's and Delays.
School Closures & Delays
School Closures & Delays
School Closures & Delays
While the snow coming down yesterday might have made you think of having a "White Christmas" the conditions to get the kiddo's to school may prove to be a little tricky this morning. Here is a list of the School Closure's and Delays around the Treasure Valley.