
Too Soon?
Too Soon?
Too Soon?
Halloween is right around the corner and Moms and Dads are helping the kids get their costumes ready for a night out of collecting candy and treats. Some of the costumes I've seen so far for this year are a tad over the top. This one though takes the cake. What do you think?
The World’s Favorite Number Is…
The World’s Favorite Number Is…
The World’s Favorite Number Is…
Are you a numbers geek? I'm not sure that I'm a geek (about numbers anyway), but I do like it when numbers seem orderly.  I'm looking forward to Monday because it's 4-14-14.  That's just crsip and tidy and lovely! There's a phrase that goes around my house, "Mama don't like messes!"  I think that's where my love for tidy numbers comes from.  If there's no pattern or double numbers it's m