
Katy Perry Inspires Me
Katy Perry Inspires Me
Katy Perry Inspires Me
I love and respect Katy Perry on so many levels, and I'm always interested in what she has to say about love. She doesn't just suffer a breakup and wallow in the pain, but instead she seems to want to learn what she can from the experience and take that with her for next time. People like that fascinate and inspire me.
Chew Noises a Deal Breaker?
Chew Noises a Deal Breaker?
Chew Noises a Deal Breaker?
Fellas I have to tell you, if I can hear you chewing your food, I'm grossed out!  If you're wolfing down your burgers and pizza and slurping and smacking all the while, you might be fun for a night, but I don't think we'll be eating mashed potatoes and gravy together when we're seventy. Even if there are flowers and candlelight and sweet talk to go along with a romantic meal by the fire, if you ch
Did You Drag Out Your Breakup?  I Did
Did You Drag Out Your Breakup? I Did
Did You Drag Out Your Breakup? I Did
Last summer when a long-term relationship of mine ended, the breakup process lasted three months. Crazy I know!  End it already! If you're thinking the relationship is probably flawed, it's probably flawed.  I get all that, and it's time to cut it loose and move on.  But it ...
Love Ain’t Cheap!
Love Ain’t Cheap!
Love Ain’t Cheap!
Well, engagement rings are getting a little cheaper. Sort of. The average engagement ring cost over $2400 last year, according to a survey by American Express, and this year guys are shelling out $2311 for that rock. Still pricey!