Whether you've grown up in Idaho or California, KFC holds a special place in the hearts of many as their original secret fried chicken recipe, tangy...
We are living in the Chicken Sandwich Era. Over the past five years, chicken sandwiches have soared in popularity. At this point we've all waited in a long line for one in the drive-thru. Always worth the wait. Even though we all can agree on our love for chicken sandwiches, many people argue over who has the best chicken sandwich...
Treasure Valley KFC restaurants are getting in on the pickle juice trend starting today.
If you've been dreaming about eating fried chicken in a pickle-juice-based sauce, today is your day.
Rather than stop by the KFC restaurants on West Chinden or West Overland Road, what if you could concoct that famous KFC flavor at home?
One of the most highly-guarded recipes of all time might be traveling around the internet as we speak.