
THIS is the Best College Town in Idaho? I don’t know about that!
THIS is the Best College Town in Idaho? I don’t know about that!
THIS is the Best College Town in Idaho? I don’t know about that!
Typically, a great college town will have great attractions and a seemingly never-ending list of things to do. Did anyone else just think of Boise? Immediately, Boise comes to my mind, but maybe that’s just me. I guess technically Boise isn’t considered a “town,” but it definitely has a bunch of great attractions and never-ending things to do.
This Idaho College Ranks as One of the Worst in America (For Your Money)
This Idaho College Ranks as One of the Worst in America (For Your Money)
This Idaho College Ranks as One of the Worst in America (For Your Money)
Ah. College. I think nowadays most people don’t even think any college is worth it, but who’s to say? One thing is for sure, you’re going to spend a lot of money in college, and you’ll spend many years afterwards paying off those hefty student loans, and that’s with the hopes of actually landing a good job that can pay for those student loans.

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