New dining experiences have been popping up all over the Treasure Valley over the last few years. So, what classic favorite or fresh new places have been requested by musicians and celebrities to eat?
Blue and White collar workers are not the only ones that find Idaho appealing. Celebrities are also making their way to the gem state. In recent years Idaho has been nicknamed the "New North Hollywood."
For the last 11 years Sun Valley has celebrated Hollywood and film makers by hosting the Sun Valley Film Festival. The event has had some pretty major A list celebrities.
On his own accord and seemly out of nowhere Bruce Willis came trotting down the middle of main street on a horse, dressed like a cowboy. The residents of Hailey ate it up, cheering on Bruce right at the end of his massive Hollywood Hay-day in the late 90s, early 2000s, where he was making more per movie than pretty much any other actor in the world. Little did the people of Hailey know that that was the beginning of the end to life in little Hailey Idaho as they knew it.