Rock The Village Concert Series Delayed; Replaced By This New Event
How many times will we hear an event is delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic that hit OVER A YEAR AGO. We are really still living this strange version of life, trying to make the most fun we can. The Village At Meridian in accordance with CDC guidelines is postponing their Rock the Village concert series until 2022. A whole year away, I could cry. I'm trying to have a hot girl summer. Boise Music Festival was already canceled; stop taking away my options!
The Village doesn't want to leave you high and dry, though. Vendors In The Village will take place instead. It may not be a concert, but local vendors will have booths surrounding Fountain Square (socially distanced at least 6ft apart) with acoustic performers throughout so there's definitely still a vibe going. And this will happen every Friday from 5pm- 9pm, June through July...except July 2nd. But you probably have plans Fourth of July weekend anyway. I know I'll be celebrating my birthday.
What vendors will be there? No word yet as sign ups for the event are still underway. If you're interested in becoming one of the vendors, you can click here for more information and to put your business in running for a spot. The price for participation will be discounted from what they usually charge because pandemic has been hard for everyone (and there's no concert situation tied to it which would be more of a draw). Still a cool opportunity though. I think people are just going to be excited to get out at all during the summer. I know I am. You'll probably catch me there every Friday.
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