Loved for their bejeweled, fluttering wings, butterflies bring beauty, movement, and biodiversity to gardens in a variety of regions.

The Benefits of Butterflies in Your Garden

While bees are more adept at pollinating, there are several awesome benefits to attracting butterflies to your Idaho garden. Unlike bees that intentionally seek out pollen, butterflies unwittingly aid in the pollination process. According to the Pollinator Partnership, while sipping on nectar, butterflies unwittingly pick up pollen on their legs and transfer it from flower to flower.

We can thank pollinators like butterflies for food like the fruits and vegetables we eat. They are responsible for one in every three bites of food we consume and contribute over 200 billion dollars to the food economy worldwide.

—Eco Redux


Become an Idaho Butterfly Conservationist

Unbeknownst to many, Idaho presents its landowners with the unique option to enroll their property in a Monarch Butterfly conservation program! A registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit, Habitat Conservation Assistance Network (HabitatCAN) empowers Idaho landowners to nurture and protect butterflies and other wildlife on privately-owned land.

Over the past 20 years, monarchs, knowns as the "king" of butterflies, have declined by 80 percent across North America. The decline was instigated by the following factors:

  • a loss of milkweed plants & wild nectar in relation to big-ag farms;
  • disease & the use of pesticides;
  • loss of habitat at breeding sites;
  • overwintering at breeding sites;
  • accelerated timber harvesting;
  • & climate change.

HabitatCAN is an agent for restoration and change. The non-profit believes private back yard gardens are one of Idaho's greatest resources in restoring the monarch population.

Whether you want to assist monarch recovery or you just love the sight of fluttering butterflies in your Idaho garden, grow milkweeds, native nectar plants, and/or any of the 19 plants featured in the gallery below!

19 Plants to Attract Beautiful Butterflies to Your Idaho Garden

Whether you want to boost biodiversity or amplify the presence of beautiful, fluttering butterflies in your yard, plant one (or all) of the following plants in your Idaho garden!

Idaho homeowners, click here to turn your yard into a monarch conservation habitat for the state of Idaho!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

6 Terrific Trees For Idaho Yards & 1 That Destroys Them

Like buying real estate, planting trees is all about location, location, location! To help you avoid the "right tree, wrong yard" headache, we turned to the Gardening Dad to help us choose six terrific trees for Idaho yards. While we were at it, we learned of one tree in particular has the power to destroy your yard.

Before you start digging, make sure you're planting the right tree in the right place! Check out our favorite picks for trees that thrive in Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

Highly Toxic Plants You Should Definitely Try to Avoid in Idaho

According to a pamphlet from the United States Forest Service there are more than 20 poisonous plants in Idaho. These are some of the nastiest ones around.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

9 Idaho Plants That Will Make You Absolutely Miserable This Spring

According to the Boise Valley Asthma & Allergy Clinic's pollen forecast, pollen counts from these plants are the highest during the spring allergy season.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

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