Open House For Eagle City Hall Expansion Later This Month
There has been talk and planning for some time for an expansion to Eagle City Hall. The City of Eagle has partnered with BRS Architects and Wright Brothers, The Building Company to bring this highly anticipated addition to fruition.
Included in the expansion are new classrooms, more office space for city employees, and a community center space/multipurpose room. But before anything gets underway, The City of Eagle will be hosting an Open House on Monday, February 22nd at City Hall (660 E. Civic Lane) From 5pm-7pm, the public is invited to ask questions and provide feedback. City staff along with the design and construction teams will be there to answer questions about the building's future features.
Anyone unable to attend is still invited to join via online virtual open house. You can RSVP to the virtual event on City of Eagle, Idaho's facebook page here. You will also be able to submit feedback online.
You might already be familiar with the work of BRS Architects. Have you ever had the pleasure of dining at Fork downtown? That was a BRS project. Sat down and grubbed on pizza at Smoky Mountain Pizzeria Grill? Yup, that was BRS Architects. Enjoyed a night at Bardenay, drinking and socializing?...That wasn't BRS. Just kidding! It was. You can even thank them for certain Jacksons Food Stores locations.
At the very least, no matter how you feel about the City of Eagle moving forward with its City Hall expansion, the project is in good hands. Funnily enough, I've had the opportunity to meet some of the BRS crew and it's obvious they are dedicated to achieving high quality work. And they're fun!
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