Every weekday morning, just before 7 a.m., Nicole's Damn Near Impossible Question gives you a chance to brag to your family, friends, and coworkers about how smart you really are, and win some pretty awesome prizes!

Here are the questions and answers from this week. Plus, a peek at the next question to start working on for next week.

Monday 1/8
Q: In a new survey, people were asked to describe their spouse in one word. 66% of people said "Sweet" which was #1 answer.…. the number two most popular answer... What was the most popular answer?
Answer: Stubborn

Tuesday 1/9
Q: 82% of people said they agree that dad is the better choice than mom when it comes to teaching this... What is it?
Answer: Riding a bike

Wednesday 1/10
Q: 65% of people say this has happened to them at work on more than one occasion, what is it?
Answer: Someone stole their lunch

Thursday 1/11
Q: 64% of people admit to doing this in the bathroom, what is it?
Answer: Play video games on their phone

Friday 1/12
Q: About 14% of new parents have admitted to falling asleep here, where is it?
Answer: In the shower

Here's a sneak peak at Monday's question to start working on. If you know it, listen just before 7 a.m. to The Mix Morning Show with Mike & Nicole to win!

Q: 35% of people say they would rather do this WITHOUT their significant other, what is it?

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