If You Have Old Laptops Donate Them to CFK in Boise
Growing up in today's society makes it a necessity to have access to technology, especially to make school work easier. Just being able to have the resource of a computer makes a gigantic difference that's why if you got a new laptop for Christmas you might want to donate your old one to Computers For Kids, Inc. in Boise.
Their mission is to offer students K-14th grade the opportunity to enhance their education by making technology available.
They are located at 8540 W. Elisa Street in Boise and open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. accepting your donations or they will even drive to pick up your donations within a 10 mile radius.
CFK had distributed over 40,000 refurbished computers to students and non-profit organizations and are the largest refurbisher in the United States.
As 2019 kicks off if one of your resolutions is to give back to your community more this might be a perfect opportunity. Or if you just want to get rid of some of your electronics that you don't use anymore, it could mean a great deal to a kid who doesn't have access to that technology. It's pretty cool that this is set up right here in the Treasure Valley!
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