Idahoans Who Embarrassed The Entire State By Making National Headlines
Idaho sure has its share of local lunatics landing themselves in the national news. With the full spotlight on these Idahoans, this naturally leads the rest of the country to assume whatever they want to assume about the rest of us in the state of Idaho based on these headlines alone - ah yes, the fundamentals of stereotyping.
In all fairness though, Idaho has definitely been reflected positively in the spotlight before! Nathan Apodaca represented us as carefree livin' individuals with internationally recognized "Dreams skateboarding" TikTok video. KTVB reporter Mark Johnson reminded us what kind of huge impact we're capable of making by simpling being ourselves after he went viral. These are the kind of things that makes us proud Idahoans and happy to call and share the same place home as these people. However, sometimes when Idaho makes national news it's because of something cringeworthy that happened here.
We feel second-hand embarrassment by just existing in the same state as those who are guilty of making national headlines for all of the wrong reasons. While it's almost guaranteed that Idaho will not stop making the news any time in the near future, let's just be sure we don't repeat history by making headlines for reasons similar to these ever again.
Listed below are not in the slightest considered to be Idaho's finest people or moments- from Karens at the playground to domestic terrorists. Trust us when we say, these national news headlines do not represent the rest of us.
Idahoans Embarrassing The Rest of us in National News
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