Ever thought about what your bumper stickers tell the world?

No judgement here. Until recently, we hadn't given ours a second thought. A lot of our bumper stickers, decals, and magnets are a lot more telling than most of us realize.

Makes sense, right? It's also why most Idahoans slap 'em on our cars and trucks in the first place. Bumper stickers are like little billboards and insights into our hobbies, accomplishments, beliefs, music taste, and even family life.  

These seemingly harmless stickers are a free-for-all in the eyes of dangerous people on the road with you. They share our tendency to be at certain locations, show our support for religious and political causes, and tell us where our kids go to school. If we're hunters, they signal what times of the year we're probably away from our homes.  

Just how private is your private life?

When you think about it, bumper stickers are a stranger's window to our world. Sure, they're a fun way to express ourselves. Still, they're also public declarations of how we live behind closed doors, what we do for a living, the sports our kids are involved in, and even the Treasure Valley neighborhood we live in.

It's important not to underestimate the possibly damning ripple effects these seemingly small details might reveal about us.

The examples in the gallery below aren't meant to scare or intimidate Idahoans from expressing themselves; they're a reminder to protect their privacy and security in ways they might not have thought about before.

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