Homedale Welcomes New K-9 Member to Police Force
A few weeks ago, I shared the story about Goose, a Homedale K-9 officer who lost his fight against cancer. It didn’t take long for Homedale to find a new K-9 to take his place and thanks to a “Mike and Nicole Everyday Hero” Homedale has a new K-9 officer.
Goose passed away earlier this month and shortly after he passed away, the Homedale Police department received an unexpected message from all the way across the country. The Rockland police department in Rockland, Maine informed Homedale PD that they had a 4 year old English Black Lab named Brady (as in Tom Brady) available, if Homedale was interested.
Surprisingly the Rockland PD, no longer needed a drug sniffing dog, because coincidently, Maine recently legalized recreational marijuana and since Brady is a trained weed sniffing dog, he was suddenly out of a job…Rockland's loss was Homedale’s gain.
Unfortunately, Homedale PD had to get Brady to Idaho somehow. Normally a dog, like Brady would have to be shipped inside the cargo hold of an airline all the way across the country and that wasn’t something either the Rockland or Homedale PD wanted to have happen.
And that’s when Homedale PD reached out to former Homedale native, and businessman, Dennis Combs of Combs Car Corral. Dennis didn’t hesitate to accept the challenge to fly his own jet to Maine to pick up Brady and return him to Homedale, where Brady is already on the job.
Now as you would imagine, flying cross country to pick up Brady isn’t cheap and if you’d like to find out how you can help cover some of those costs you can call the Homedale police department at 208-337-6442. There is also a Go Fund me page set up to donate.
Any shortfall for the trip has been promised to be met by Dennis Combs. So in addition to flying back east to pick up Brady, Dennis is also donating cash to pay for the new addition to the Police department and for that reason, Dennis Combs of Combs Car Corral, has been chosen as this week’s Mike and Nicole Everyday Hero.
Dennis will receive a small token of our appreciation in the form of an official proclamation and a bottle of the exclusive Mike and Nicole Hero-Wine. If you happen to see Dennis or know him tell him, please take the time to tell him congratulations for being a Mike and Nicole Everyday Hero.
If you know of someone here in the Treasure Valley who has gone out of their way to do something nice for someone else, please let Mike and Nicole know by emailing them all the details. Who knows, they couldy be chosen as the next Mike and Nicole Every Day Hero on Mix 106.