Free Ideas To Entertain the Kids at Home
Are you struggling to keep the kids entertained? I've been racking my brain to keep the kids busy. Here's some ideas.
1. Mo Willems Art Class on YouTube: My kids did this yesterday and absolutely loved it!
2. Crafting together with the 100 Day Project. This mother daughter duo will share crafts that you can do together. A lot of projects can be made with things you have around the house. My daughter loves this site! Follow their journey and get great ideas at madewithlev.com
3. The Frick Pittsburgh. At this site you can do virtual museum experiences and they have offer up a lot of great craft ideas made with common household items such as dried beans, old socks, and rubber bands.
4. Stuck at Home Science. The California Science Center is streaming a video series every day at 11 a.m. our time. They demonstrate science experiments your kids can do at home with common household items and ingredients.
5. Visit a virtual aquarium and zoo. Peak in on 10 live webcams at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and take a virtual field trip to the San Diego Zoo!
Good luck keep those kids entertained and learning! My 13 year old is currently working on a puzzle and my 11-year-old is making clay and a disaster in my kitchen!!
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