It's a big plan, but the City of Boise is dedicated to power their facilities and operations with 100 percent renewable energy by 2030. According to Boise Weekly, Boise Mayor Dave Bieter made the announcement during his State of the City address on Sept. 12.

So why the reason for the shift toward clean energy? Making Boise more attractive to businesses. Mayor Bieter said:

A growing number of businesses want renewable energy [...] Consumers demand it and costs are coming down. To separate ourselves and attract the types of businesses we want, we need more clean energy. It's a first step to creating a set of renewable energy goals for the entire city. It's not a slogan. It's our commitment to set the stage for what's next.

So is this doable? Well, according to Boise Weekly, the city has already made improvements to their energy usage in their facilities in the last eight years. City of Boise Public Works Director Steve Burgos, told Boise Weekly, "since 2010, the city has managed to reduce energy use at City Hall by 50 percent, just by switching to LED lights and making behavioral changes."


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