A national website, doing a fluff piece on diners, accidentally disrespected multiple local establishments by saying that the best diner in Boise is a chain restaurant.

Maybe UpgradedPoints.com was misinformed. Perhaps they just didn't research every city like they did for those larger than Boise, but they named Elmer's Kitchen Boise's Best Diner. Not that there's anything wrong with Elmer's Kitchen—it's a perfectly good diner—but Boise's best? Hard to say. The article on UpgradedPoints.com claimed to have ranked the diners based on Yelp reviews, but Yelp seems to point to another diner when you rank them by average reviews.

According to Yelp, the best diner in Boise is actually Egg Mann and Earl. The diner at 650 E Boise Avenue has been a staple in the Boise community for a long time and has 358 reviews with an average rating of 4.7 stars.

Trillium at the Grove Hotel is in the second spot, with over 100 fewer reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars.

Boise Pie Company on Orchard would have come next. Still, the article omitted any restaurant with fewer than 100 reviews, so High Note on 5th, The Chef's Hut on Cole, and Waffle Me Up on Capitol all tied for third with an average rating of 4.3.

So, where did Elmer's Kitchen actually land with real Yelp data? They have 283 reviews with an average rating of 4.1. Hardly the best-reviewed diner in Boise.

The Best 22 Dive Restaurants In Boise

These were all recommendations on a Reddit thread.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

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