Backstage at BMF is Always Unpredictable
I'm so excited about the first artist to be announced for this year's Boise Music Festival! We leaked one artist to 12 Listeners Club members today, so you need to be one if you're not already! The name was announced wasn't the guy in this pic, but the buzz made me think of my backstage experience a few years back and the stories you did not hear, about sweaty hugs and things.
That's me in the pic with Jason Derulo in 2013, a few seconds after I told him he looked good sweaty. Smooth move, Jenny Sue, smooth. But he does sweat really well.
He finished performing and all of us in line backstage thought we were going to meet him right away, but he walked back to his dressing room and spent twenty looooong minutes in there before he emerged. He said he needed a shower and he did smell fresh and clean when he finally got to me, but I still noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead and couldn't focus. Telling him the sweat was becoming was the only awkward thing I could think to mention, after I had twenty loooong minutes to prepare. I hugged him a little too long too I think.
That was the year that Carly Rae Jepson was at BMF too, and she played earlier in the day when the sun was beating down hard, and she was wearing clothes that didn't really fit the weather and she was hot. Her people told us, "No hugs! She doesn't want to sweat." So we didn't touch her at all, and just stood there like statues next to her, trying not to raise her body temperature.
I hope you end up back stage this year! No matter what your view is like at the show or who you meet, it will be a super fun day with temporary tattoos, frosty beverages, celebrities, friends, and maybe a smidge of a sunburn. Oh, and sweat. And we will hug you anyway.
The full announcement about this year's BMF lineup is coming Thursday morning at 7am.
Get the tickets now! Prices go up Friday morning at 7am.
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