Another One Of Those Top States Lists, But This Time, It’s Good Idaho Doesn’t Lead
So maybe you got a little more amorous than you planned for Valentines Day yesterday? Good news. There is actually list of how "STD infested" each state is. Idaho is not on top.
That does seem to be rare that our beloved Idaho doesn't top these lists, but in this case at least, I think we're grateful. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that cases of STDs are at an all time high, and now, website has put together data for all 50 states in the nation.
The site makes it their business to know other people's business, and this case, their very personal business. The site uses data gathered from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention records on STDs, data from state and county health systems, and the always dependable social media surveys to come up with rankings for best and worst states across the country for STDs.
Any guess for who received "top" honors? Alaska. They have the most cases of STSs per 100,000 residents. Others in the top five included Louisiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, and New Mexico.
New Hampshire (with fewer people) came in with the least amount of STDs.
How did we do in Idaho? We're just outside the "bottom" five at 45. The only states with less are Utah, Vermont, Maine, West Virginia, and as mentioned New Hampshire.
You can see the complete state-by-state list from, HERE.