Three weeks ago a little angel came into my life. Her name is Mila and she's a three year old Chinese Shar-pei / Pitbull mix. I'm very much obsessed with her as evident by the hundreds of pictures of her in my camera roll.


I've adopted, in fact, all of my pets growing up from different humane societies. I've always been a supporter of choosing to adopt rather than shop but adopting Mila has fulfilled me in a way that I've never felt before.

I was expecting at least a little bit of chaos when I brought Mila home because quite frankly, you never know what you're getting to get. But I've never met such a sweet and well-behaved dog. She listens, she does amazing on the leash and is house-trained, and she loves snuggles.


Apparently Mila came to the West Valley Humane Society as a stray in January of this year. She was adopted by a truck driver but was returned after it was realized that the trucking life wasn't for her. Thankfully though it all worked out. She is perfect! She's now mine and I am hers. While I've been able to give her a happy and safe home, she has completely changed my attitudes towards life and 'll love her forever for that.


Her gentle spirit and loving personality makes me question why she was even in there in the first place. It breaks my heart knowing that are other dogs out there just like Mila looking for their forever home. Please always consider adopting before shopping when it comes to pets! They may only be here for a part of your life, but to them, you could be their whole life.

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