5 Tips to Up Your Bald Eagle Insta’ Game
We've been noticing an exciting trend on the ol' Instagram lately. Bald eagles have been appearing everywhere in our feeds so we wanted to find out why.
Turns out, each year, hundreds even thousands of bald eagles fly high above and dive into the water of Coeur d'Alene in search of a winter meal.
Visit Idaho reports that on any given day from Nov.-Feb., visitors to the Wolf Lodge Bay could hypothetically spot upwards of hundreds of these regal raptors.
The Bureau of Land Management began counting bald eagles around Wolf Lodge Bay in 1974 as the migrating population of eagles arrived to feed on spawning kokanee salmon. Over the years, the counting efforts have continued, but now eagle watching has become a popular family adventure.
If you're looking to up your Insta' game, which we all are, Visit Idaho was kind enough to drop us a few hints.
1. There are three suggested viewing areas around the bay: Higgins Point, Mineral Ridge Boat Ramp, and the Mineral Ridge Trailhead.
2. From December 27 through December 31, take advantage of BLM’s staff lead interpretive viewing program. It’s the perfect time to let your kids ask all the questions they can think of and to use various viewing scopes to watch the bald eagles move around the lake.
3. Avoid disturbing the birds. Do not approach them on foot.
4. Opt for an alternate way to check out these feathery friends by hopping aboard an eagle watching cruise. These cruises run by Lake Coeur d’Alene Cruises offer a chance to enjoy this sight from the comfort of a cozy cruise boat. Check the website for departure times and rates.
5. Binoculars are essential. This also means long-zoom lens' are best for pictures.
Good luck, and let us know what you see out there!