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Almost There!
Almost There!
Almost There!
So - the final weigh-in for the St. Luke's $10,000  Weight Loss Challenge is just a few days away.  Although I haven't quite reached my weight loss goal, I see some great changes I've made in my lifestyle.  Let me point out that I'm not giving up on the weight loss goal, but I also think it's important to see the little successes I've made. Here are a...
Facing the Moment of Truth
Facing the Moment of Truth
Facing the Moment of Truth
Part of the St. Luke's Weight Loss Challenge is weighing in each month at one of their locations and submitting your weight.  This month, I waited until virtually the last...possible...moment because I didn't want to face the truth. The truth that I knew I would see on the scale. The...
Chewing Quickly a Workout?
Chewing Quickly a Workout?
Chewing Quickly a Workout?
I had some left-over candy sitting in my desk today.  It's left-over from a PMS-filled day last week -- I'm sure you can relate.  This left-over candy has me in a quandary...caught between the "don't waste food" lectures I was given by my mom and the "get unhealthy choices out of your cabinets and cupboards."  So my ...
Just Because It's There
Just Because It's There
Just Because It's There
Do you remember that famous line in the movie "Field of Dreams" with Kevin Costner:  "If you build it, they will come" ?  If my life could be summed up in one movie line, it would be "If you bake it, stir it or cook it,  I will eat it." I've NEVE...
Making a "You Turn"
Making a "You Turn"
Making a "You Turn"
Let's say you have a friend who is on a weight loss program --hypothetically speaking, it might be this $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge.  And let's say that friend comes to you and tells you that they "fell off the wagon."  Yep...one day they were...
St. Luke’s $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge – It’s All About Perspective
St. Luke’s $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge – It’s All About Perspective
St. Luke’s $10,000 Weight Loss Challenge – It’s All About Perspective
You can try to tell me different, but I'm convinced the same people who make the mirrors for so-called Fun Houses in amusement parks are the same ones who make the mirrors in dressing rooms, especially in swimsuit dressing rooms. In fact, I've just started ordering swimsuits from catalogs so I can try on a suit in the privacy of my own home...
Struggling with Body Image
Struggling with Body Image
Struggling with Body Image
Several years ago, I took a seminar that was supposed to help me get past my body image issues.  They promised me that in a few hours, I'd learn to love my body...every part of it. Yes, even my thighs. One of the exercises they had us do was stand in front of a mirror and say positive things about our bodies -- starting with our heads and working our way down.  An...
Sticking with It
Sticking with It
Sticking with It
In this day of instant mashed potatoes, microwave popcorn and next day delivery, I have to say that my attention span is probably comparable to that of a 3 year-old -- so about 4 minutes if it's REALLY engaging.  It's even worse when you combine it with the fact that I'm also a big fan of instant gratification -- I have a Kindle because I don't want to have to wait for Amazon to deliver my purchas