23 Things You Missed In the Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Premiere
Winter is here. The final season of Game of Thrones is officially underway with last night’s premiere of “Winterfell.” You definitely watched it, but did you catch all the little details?
ScreenCrush’s Ryan Arey did, and in his new video essay, he breaks down 23 things you probably missed in the Game of Thrones season premiere. There’s an in-depth exploration of the new opening credits. Who could Azor Ahai really be? From there, Ryan compares the first scenes of this episode with the very first season premiere. Did you catch that reference to Ed Sheeran? Cause we did. There’s some stuff about dragons, some stuff about sex. Hey, it is Game of Thrones after all.
If you liked this video on all the things you missed in the first episode of Game of Thrones’ final season, check out some more of our videos below, including our complete recap of everything Game of Thrones Seasons 1 through 7, our ranking of the most satisfying moments in the show’s history, and an essay on how religion has ruled GoT. Plus, there’s tons more over at ScreenCrush’s YouTube channel. Be sure to subscribe to catch all our future episodes.
Gallery — The Best Dressed Game of Thrones Characters:
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