The Story of Idaho’s Most Infamous Killer
If you have ever visited the Old Idaho Penitentiary or checked out the recent article from onlyinyourstate.com you probably know the name Raymond Allen Snowden, often referred to as Idaho's Most Infamous Killer. Raymond killed an innocent woman and was sentenced to the death penalty for his actions. Although that is where things didn't exactly go according to plan, and some say he is still around haunting our state.
Raymond's original murder charge was murder of a mother with two kids on September 23rd, 1956. The horrific crime left Cora Dean with a total of 30 stab wounds, which was the cause of her death. It's believed that the crime took place after a long night of drinking, in which Cora and Raymond may have been on a date. Cora's body was discovered by a paperboy in Garden City and Raymond was arrested at Hannifin's Cigar Store in Boise for the murder.
Raymond was set for his hanging on October 18, 1957 in a newly constructed room at the Old Idaho Penitentiary, but that's where things went wrong. The officers pulled the lever for the trap doors to open underneath Raymond but his neck didn't snap as it was supposed to. Raymond ended up hanging for 15 minutes, while the family of his victims watched in horror.
Raymond is buried in the prison's cemetery in an unmarked grave, although many still believe he haunts the grounds of the Penitentiary or even the whole Gem State. Do you know of any other stories in which people are believed to be haunting the Treasure Valley?