
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It’s Summer, and Some Of Us are Freezing
It always happens this time of year.  The weather outside gets hotter, and the temperature inside stores and office buildings gets freezing cold.  But did you hear one big box store is going to raise the thermostat one degree?  Woohoo!  Said women.
What’s Closed On Memorial Day?
Hello to all of ya working at hospitals, gas stations, restaurants, and retail shops today. What day off, right?!  Not everyone is spending the holiday around the barbecue pit or at the mall, and it's business as usual.  But there are a bunch of offices that are closed today, and here are a few of them.
March Madness is a Huge Time Suck at Work, and Maybe That’s Okay
March Madness is a Huge Time Suck at Work, and Maybe That’s Okay
March Madness is a Huge Time Suck at Work, and Maybe That’s Okay
You've probably seen the headlines about March Madness, and how employers are faced with dilemmas about whether to ban basketball-watching and bracket-checking at the office or just let it slide.  People are gonna check scores anyway right?  I mean we've got our smart phones.  Seems like a losing battle.  One Linkedin blogger says bosses should go ahead and embrace the Madness.
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
What If We Had A 3-Day Work Week?
This story may not have quite the impact if it was coming from a video-game-playing dude in his twenties who spent most of his time on the couch eating chips. But it's coming from a guy with big ambitions who heads a multi-billion dollar company, and is the second-richest person in the world behind Bill Gates. Carlos Slim is saying we should only be working three days out of the week.  Great!  Now