It’s been three years since the COVID-19 pandemic began and it’s hard to believe that we’re still walking into grocery stores and seeing empty shelves.
It is no secret that Idaho is known for growing potatoes. Lots and lots of potatoes. We own our starchy root vegetable proudly and even celebrate it. The amount of other daily used crops is astounding, and the dollar amount attached is even more astounding!
We are proud to say - with no big surprise to us- that Idaho did great. We were in the top ten in the country for the gem state and even moved up 3 spots than we did last year. Check out the top 10 with a few details below.
How much does someone need to earn in Idaho in order to be happy? According to one website, it’s pretty darn high and less than 24 career fields pay that kind of money in Boise.
The state of Idaho ended the 2022 fiscal year with a record breaking surplus. Where will all that money be going? Will we be seeing any of it in our pockets?