Sean Kingston Performance Recap
Sean Kingstons’ “Beautiful Girls” and “Fire Burning” are the first songs we look up when we’re making a throwback playlist. We have heard these songs countless times since they came out in 2008 and 2009 (respectively) and it was so amazing to FINALLY hear them live- it was the perfect way to pretend like we were in high school again.
And to put a cherry on top, it was an AWESOME performance, the crowd was so excited to be at Boise Music Festival listening to Sean Kingston. It was so cool to hear the whole crowd belting along to “Beautiful Girls” and dancing the whole time during “Fire Burning.” Beyond that, it’s hard to pick a favorite song because they were all so good and he did a great job performing them.
This was Kingston’s first time performing and the crowd showed him the warmest welcome, I don’t think he was expecting it. That’s one thing we LOVE about Boise performances, the crowd never lets down. We want to shout out to everyone that came out for BMF for making it such a wonderful experience for us and for all the performers.
Check out pictures below!