St. Vincent de Paul Stores Won’t Accept These 25 Items in the Boise Area
While Marie Kondo tried to make decluttering and letting things go trendy, doing a deep clean that leads you to part with a lot of your things can be overwhelming.
Whether it’s due to downsizing, a move or just because you have so much stuff that you feel like the walls are closing on you, as you go through your things you’re bound to feel a little guilty. Maybe you’re about to toss aside something you had an emotional connection to. Or some of the items still have price tags on them. You bought them years ago, never used them and at this point, it’s clear that you won’t.
Whether it’s memories or money you invested in these things, you don’t want to send them to the landfill. You rather send them somewhere where they’ll benefit others. There are plenty of amazing non-profits across the Treasure Valley that will take your stuff, flip it and do exactly that. One of them is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Southwest Idaho.
What Does St. Vincent de Paul Do?
Everything the non-profit does is driven by its main mission of helping neighbors across the Treasure Valley avoid homelessness. Often that’s by offering a hand up and basic needs people need to stay afloat. According to their website, they get over 75,000 calls to their help line every year. They respond to those calls by sending St. Vincent de Paul volunteers to the home to determine how they can help. Sometimes that means helping with rent or utility bills. Other times, it could be providing someone with furniture, clothes or transportation.
They manage five food pantries across the Treasure Valley where clients can stretch their food budget with a little help from the community. St. Vincent de Paul is also a resource for people transitioning back into society after a prison stay. They can assist with the first day out, transportation pick-up and establishing a career.
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One of the ways they support these programs is by selling your gently used donations at their thrift shops. What’s really cool about St. Vincent de Paul is that if you can’t make it to one of their five thrift store locations to drop off your donations, they offer pick-up services as well. Because they have their furniture store on Broadway in Boise, they are able to accept some pieces of furniture that other thrift shops might not necessarily be interested in.

However, there are certain items that they cannot accept simply because they can’t sell them. St. Vincent de Paul asks you to NOT donate these items. That way they can use their volunteer’s valuable time to help others in the community, not sorting donations they can’t use.
For a list of what they CAN accept, click HERE.
Boise Area St. Vincent de Paul Stores Will NOT Accept These 26 Items
Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
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