One of the most important periods in Western Civilization was the Hundred Years' War between Great Britain and France. The war was not limited to those two powers; the entire region was engulfed in battle. 

The battle for the direction of the Idaho Republican Party, a contest that holds immense significance for our state's future, resembles the war between Britain and France. No matter who emerges victorious in Tuesday's primary, whether it's the instate big business-backed Republicans or the grassroots out-of-state-backed Republicans, it's only the beginning of our own Hundred Year's War.

Republican voters, you've likely been bombarded with a barrage of positive and negative radio ads, text messages, newspaper ads, digital ads, and, yes, costly television ads. The stakes are high-it's about the leadership of our state party. If you align with the direction of the state chairman, the freedom caucus, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation, you'll vote for their slate of candidates. If you prefer the 'nice Republicans', as they call themselves, you'll vote out the current folks along with the chairman.

2024 will be the year of out of state political action committees dedicating millions to unseat Idaho representatives and senators. How big is the influence of out of state money in our local elections? One elected official revealed, "the folks in Dallas, Texas must really care about schools in Idaho."


What's shocking to most Idahoans is how low each side has chosen to attack one another. Idaho is one of the most popular states to move to, yet we have charge and counter-charge against incumbents and challengers. Mental health experts tell us they're concerned about the mental health of so many who are focused on primarily unpaid positions. 

We asked one prominent elected official what he thought about Tuesday's primary. This individual held nothing back. "The Moon folks have done more to destroy the concept of common sense government than any group in the history of the State of Idaho." They continued, "they've interpreted our Constitution as well as the Republican platform in their own image and seek to destroy those who won't swear allegiance to their version of the world."


The real winners are the political consultants who will make large amounts of money treating both the candidates and the public as useful idiots. Idaho deserves better and the war will continue. 

Check Out Creepy Joe Biden Sniffing and Wandering

A preview of the most popular video in some Idaho circles.

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

President Biden Arrives in Boise

President Biden is greeted by protesters during his visit to Boise, Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller

Joe Biden's Five Factors of Fearing Idaho

The five issues that cause Joe Biden to fear about Idaho. Could these issues become national?

Gallery Credit: Kevin Miller