It’s Time to Party Down on the Grove With Free Ceremony Wednesday
Summertime feels like it's here with the temps spiking and the blue bird skies and NOW the party hot spot will officially kick off the season. Get ready for a blast as the Grove Plaza opens for all to enjoy.
Growing up in Boise I'm pretty sure all of us have come down and experienced the amazing time of Alive After Five. The people packing themselves into a beautiful space like sardines, the music jamming through the streets, the artists displaying their hard work, and the brews and food..ooh the food...it is a thing to behold. The Grove Plaza in downtown Boise has been the popular gathering hotspot for all seasons and events opened up in December of 1986 and NOW looks brand spanking new. As you can see in the video above, there have been some substantial editions to the spot. Buffalo Wild Wings opened its newest location in the Treasure Valley last year here Lucky Fins is one of my faves to sit and enjoy some sushi and people watch outside with their amazing bar fireplaces and of course this is the home to the Idaho Steelheads at Century Link Arena.
After three years of construction and building the Grove Plaza will host a FREE ceremony this Wednesday(June 7th) from 4:15 p.m to 8:00 p.m as the kick off to the first Alive After Five event of the season.
So what is new? A new fountain that cost the city $750,000 bucks that will blow your mind,(see video below) and new spaces at Boise Centre a vaulted archway entrance and so much more that you have to see if for yourself. And one of my favorite new additions. FREE WI-FI. WHAAAAATTTT.
I am so excited to take my family out and see the new area, not only because of the Alive After Five events but the new Grove Plaza Bricks we as a fam purchased our own so we will forever be a part of Downtown Boise. So excited!!
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