When it comes to parking, people have issues. 

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who can parallel park and back into spots, and those who refuse to.

The first kind can score a sweet parking spot just about anywhere. Tight spaces, three-point turns, human obstacles—these are non-issues for the parking savvy.

Then there's the other guys 😳

They'd sooner die than back into a spot in an Albertsons parking lot on payday. Our theory is that they're not incapable, they're lazy. All of us took the same driver's ed course and passed the same Idaho Driver's License road test. We know they know how to park in reverse.

But instead of putting in the work to park responsibly, they're trolling for MVP parking at all costs—including pulling through a space to park.



When will Idaho make it illegal to pull-through to park?

How many accidents, near-accidents, and come-to-Jesus moments do we need to have before Idaho, or even just Boise, for that matter, makes it illegal to pull through a parking spot? Especially when pulling-through-to-park means you have to drive the wrong way down a parking row to exit it?

It's lazy driving. It's dangerous. It's happening more often around Boise than ever before. And it's something we hope Idaho lawmakers address sooner than later.

Email your opinions to ryan.valenzuela@townsquaremedia.com.

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The Nifty Speeding Loophole More Idaho Drivers Should Use

Did you know Idaho residents can do 15 mph over the speed limit to pass a slow car on the highway? It's true! But this handy loophole doesn't give us a free pass to speed whenever we want.

Scroll on for the do's and don'ts of Idaho's passing loophole...

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

How to Legally (& Safely) Pass on the Right in Idaho

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Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

🚨 Can You Get Arrested for Driving Shoeless in Idaho?

🚘BOISE, Idaho. Logic and about 20 years of experience behind the wheel tells us driving sans footwear is a pretty risky, even reckless idea. But does that mean it's illegal?

Scroll on for a quick peek at Idaho's stance on the issue!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

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6 Ways to Deal & Get Even With Boise's Worst Drivers

Rising above the worst jerks in traffic is the noble thing to do, but we'd rather see what's behind door number two 😍

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

6 Ways to Deal & Get Even With Boise's Worst Drivers

Rising above the worst jerks in traffic is the noble thing to do, but we'd rather see what's behind door number two 😍

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

7 Bad Behaviors to Avoid When You're Pulled Over in Idaho

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

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