Do You Know What Purple Paint On A Fence Post In Idaho Means
It's called the "Purple Paint Law" and very few people know what it means which means... a lot of us are breaking the law when we come into contact with a post or fence that's been painted purple.
The Purple Paint Law originated in Arkansas back in 1987. If you want to break it down into it's simplest form it means DO NOT TRESPASS. A lot of times it's more specifically saying "Do Not Hunt On This Property". Way too many hunting accidents are occurring here in the U.S. Last year alone we had about 1,000 hunting accidents and deaths in America and most of those people on the receiving end of those accidents weren't even hunting. They were innocent people just taking care of business on their property.
Posts painted with purple paint started because signs and warnings set out were getting destroyed by different types of extreme weather conditions. Wind, rain, hail, and other extreme conditions were damaging or destroying the signs. So the Purple Paint Law was born.
Tiphero.com has listed the states below that currently abide by the Purple Paint Law...
-North Carolina
If you own a farm or a large area of land and are interested in using this to help maintain no trespassing you'll need to follow these guidelines...
- Purple paint markings must be vertical, at least 8 inches long, at least 1 inch wide
- The bottom of the mark should be between 3-5 feet above the ground
- Markings can be no more than 100 feet apart in timberland
- Markings can be no more than 1,000 feet apart on open land, [and] they must be in a place visible by those approaching the property