City of Nampa Looking to Fill Lots of Full Time Jobs
If you're looking for a career change you might want to get your resume updated because the City of Nampa has 10 full time positions they are looking to fill. In addition to the full time jobs, there are some part-time opportunities as well.
Here are the list of Full-Time positions that were mentioned on the City of Nampa, Idaho - Municipal Government Facebook page:
Library Youth Services Supervisor
Plant Mechanic-Wastewater Treatment Plant
Project Manager-Facilities
Public Works Admin Specialist Sr.
Engineering Admin Specialist
Police Assistant
IT Field Service Tech
Combination Inspector Plumbing/Mechanical
Combination Inspector Building
Emergency Services Dispatcher
Here are the Part-Time positions:
Police Assistant
Group Fitness Instructor
Library Associate
If you want to know more about the jobs you're instructed to click here.
They are also looking for a Parks Maintenance Tech, for that job apply in person at 312 1st St S, Nampa, ID 83651. A Golf Maintenance Tech is also needed, again apply in person at 3730 Ridgecrest Dr, Nampa, ID 83687.