10 More Celebrities You’re Most Likely to Run Into in Idaho
From Ernest Hemingway to Marilyn Monroe, Sun Valley's been a hot spot for celebrity sightings for nearly 100 years. Sure, many of the celebrity sightings in Idaho still happen there, but the stars are showing up in other parts of the state, too!
Do you know how you would handle yourself if just so happened to bump into a celebrity? It's something you may want to think about because it happens all the time in Idaho! We hope that you'd be respectful and let them do their shopping, eat their meal, etc. without staring too long or making a scene.

After all, the stars who visit Idaho or own property here do so to escape from the limelight of Hollywood or New York City. In fact, one of the stars on this list told The Land Report "I need to be in a situation where my every whim is not attended to, where I have to fetch my own nails, do my own shopping, and wash my own dishes..." and he finds that kind of normalcy in our little neck of the woods.
Which celebs are you likely to run into in Idaho? These are 10 that have become regulars in the Gem State over the years. If you do happen to see them, respect their boundaries but absolutely flash them a smile or wave and show them some good, old-fashion Idaho hospitality!
10 More Celebrities You're Most Likely to Run Into in Idaho
Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart
If you're looking at that list and screaming "HOW COULD YOU FORGET AARON PAUL?!," we didn't. We put together a similar list last year and these are 10 other celebrities you may just spot.