
Oops, Wrong Movie
Oops, Wrong Movie
Oops, Wrong Movie
Guardians of the Galaxy was a HUGE movie over the weekend with a record $94 million bucks.  Did you see it once or twice or six times? There was one movie crowd in New Jersey that settled into its seats with big buckets of popcorn ready to see Guardians of the Galaxy, and when the movie started it was the wrong one.  A big theater oops!  How would you react?
Enough of the 'Frozen' Theme
Enough of the 'Frozen' Theme
Enough of the 'Frozen' Theme
This guy is pretty creative with his disdain for his family's love for the Frozen theme song, Let It Go. As one comment said on YouTube, "Lol.  That was fun, but I still love Frozen." Ditto!