If you rent cars frequently, you know the easiest way to get in and get out quickly is using a credit card for payment.  However, if you wish to pay a different way, it's become more difficult at Enterprise. 

In fact, it became more difficult on Friday as I learned on Saturday.  I've been renting cars with decent frequency for years, and over the last three, doing so without a credit card.

Since making a commitment to try to get out of control finances back in check, my credit cards were cancelled and cut up.  That meant that I would now be renting with a debit card, and for the most part, that hasn't been problematic at all.

Most companies and locations place a hold on the account (I've seen most times between $250-500), and with Budget and Avis where I have my most established history, frequency, and use with their loyalty programs, I don't even typically have to present the card anymore.  Typically most major companies welcome debit cards with the presentation of an itinerary departing the city you're renting in (and confirmation number).

For local rentals, I hadn't really experienced many issues, and for those of us in the Treasure Valley renting locally, typically I've found the best selection and deals are with airport pickup.

I've used Enterprise less frequently, but this weekend after finding a deal, I had a reservation at Enterprise at BOI.  When I went to pick the car up, I was informed that their policies had changed and that, at the airport location, they no longer could do a local rental without a credit card (but could use a debit card with a return itinerary).

The agent who helped me informed me this policy changed Friday, and that local (city) locations could still rent in-town if the choose to do so (and with the requirement of a utility bill or other confirmation of address).

I realize I'm the one going against their system, and they don't owe me the chance to rent with my debit.  Just wanted to make you aware if that's how you rent as well.


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