It's only $50 to get a cardboard cutout of yourself that will sit in the stands in your place and when the season is over, you get to keep it forever! Here's how!
As a former band kid, when I got in my car at our downtown studios and heard the BSU band practicing, I had feelings of excitement, calmness, and normalcy. Check out video of the band!
As Boise State puts it, they're taking tuition from the level of a house payment down to the level of a monthly car payment. Cool! This new degree program might make graduation possible for a lot more people.
Those looking to become school administrators or higher education leaders have access to one of the best programs in the nation right here in Boise.
And there's new evidence that the program just keeps getting better.
Not every university gives potential students the chance to explore its city like this. Boise State is giving bike tours to help students get a feel for campus and to reinforce Boise as an active city. And it's something fun to do in the mornings before the heat gets cranked up in the afternoons.
What makes a city great, anyway? The new Urban Studies program at Boise State was approved in December and officially launches this fall, with the goal of helping get students ready to make cities tick.