What’s The Longest Red Light Ever Recorded on Eagle & Franklin Road?What’s The Longest Red Light Ever Recorded on Eagle & Franklin Road?The story ends with me running the red light. MalloryMallory
Longest Red Light Ever Recorded on Eagle & Franklin RoadLongest Red Light Ever Recorded on Eagle & Franklin RoadThe story ends with me running the red light. MalloryMallory
A Law That Allows For Drivers to Run Red Lights Could Cause Havoc on Idaho StreetsA Law That Allows For Drivers to Run Red Lights Could Cause Havoc on Idaho StreetsA bill was just passed and moves to the Senate to allow drivers to run red lights. Wouldn't that solve a lot of our life problems! Or would this just make it worse? Check out the new law that could be headed to Idaho streets.KekeluvKekeluv