
Txting 4 Moms
Txting 4 Moms
Txting 4 Moms
I'm one of those rebels that will type words out instead of abbreviating. I figure I can carve out ten more seconds in my day to type out "running late, major meltdown," and spare my friends the pain of trying to decode what I meant by "RLMM." This list of acronyms for Moms who text is kind of entertaining though!  Check it out.
Txting & Walking = Danger
Txting & Walking = Danger
Txting & Walking = Danger
If you've had a mishap with texting and walking, you're not alone. I was texting and pushing a grocery cart once, and smacked into someone turning up the cereal aisle.  I got a dirty look! But no fine or citation. Do you think we'll see a law against texting and walking soon?  I'll tell you what the experts have to say about that. And ER doctors say there are more injuries these days due to textin
Do We Need a Relationship App?
Do We Need a Relationship App?
Do We Need a Relationship App?
Sometimes I wonder if we should stop inventing things.  Do we really need an app that will take the work out of relationships, and automatically send sweet texts to a sig other?