Alexa devices were hot gifts over the holidays, and as you're setting them up there are several things you might want to try to make life more organized. With Alexa's help, we'll never forget anything again.
If your phone battery drains quickly, it may not be due to all the music you're listening to. A quickly dying battery is one sign that your phone may have been hacked.
There's no way to keep kids off screens completely, so how can parents make sure the screens help kids and don't hurt them? There are at least five ways.
Want a side of surveillance with your chicken nuggets? Several fast food restaurants are working on technology that would involve recording your license plate to help track your order history.
Jobs in the high-tech sector are in huge demand right now, and a national technology training company is opening a campus at Trailhead in downtown Boise in January to help you get ready. They say you can become a software developer in 14 weeks!
If you're only asking Alexa for the current temperature in Boise or the score of the most recent Broncos' game, you're totally missing out. The possibilities are endless, and sometimes she fires back some pretty goofy surprises.