Two Teens Fall Out of Third-Story School Window During Snapchat-Fueled Fight Over GirlTwo Teens Fall Out of Third-Story School Window During Snapchat-Fueled Fight Over GirlBoth students sustained non life-threatening injuries. Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
How to Use Snapchat’s ‘Sad Face’ Filter and Go Viral on TikTokHow to Use Snapchat’s ‘Sad Face’ Filter and Go Viral on TikTok"I'm not crying, you're crying."Lauryn SnappLauryn Snapp
Mom Paid 12-Year-Old Son $1,800 to Stay Off Social Media ‘Til His 18th BirthdayMom Paid 12-Year-Old Son $1,800 to Stay Off Social Media ‘Til His 18th BirthdayIt's the "18 for 18 challenge"!Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
The Connection Between Snapchat and the Blue “Oxy” Pill OverdosesThe Connection Between Snapchat and the Blue “Oxy” Pill OverdosesThe scary story about multiple overdoses on a "little blue pill" being sold as OxyContin in the Treasure Valley just got a little more frightening. At least one teen found the pill through Snapchat. Jeff ConnellJeff Connell