If you've ever sent a sexy pic to your husband or boyfriend...well you're in the majority.
What does the sexting popularity mean for relationships in general?
I’ll admit it; I’m addicted to my phone.
If I’m being completely honest, there are times (more than once) where I’ve checked social media or responded to an email or just browsed through the app store when I should have been doing something else that was MUCH MORE of a priority than what I chose to do.
Is this grounds for divorce?
Do you ever feel like you're not using your full emoticon potential? I do.
To emote in text and email, I usually default to the quick and easy ones like these:
Everyone else seems so much better at cyber emoting! So I decided to do a little research to get better with the cyber winks, and I decided to share what I found. You may be all over these already.
Every time I move I say, "I'm never moving again!"
It's painful and exhausting and stressful and there are so many other productive things I could be doing with my time. Like watch grass grow or watch paint dry. But I did it again this week. I moved to a new house.
What's the single worst thing that could happen during a move? It happened!