My Boyriend wants to move out
My Boyriend wants to move out
My Boyriend wants to move out
I need help..what does this mean wI need help..what does this mean when my Boyfriend of four years suddenly comes to me and says this?hen my Boyfriend of three years suddenly comes to me and says this.......?
Boyfriend's Daughter is on Drugs
Boyfriend's Daughter is on Drugs
Boyfriend's Daughter is on Drugs
One of our MIX 106 listeners reached our needing advice. Read her story below and then chime in on our Facebook page or during tomorrow's MIX Morning Show! In her words: I've been dating a guy for the last year who has a 19-year-old daughter that's is addicted to drugs. She's been in rehab a few times, stolen money from other family members and been arrested a few times. Here's the problem: Read M

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