Check your bank statements! We all should do this normally anyway, right? Now you really want to, because four credit card skimmers have been found across Boise at local banks and ATMs.
When it comes to teens smoking, a new study says that legalizing marijuana actually reduces teens' likeliness to smoke. A win, win?
A new Montana State University study claims that legalizing marijuana for adults has slightly reduced teenagers' odds of smoking pot in some states...
At a time where everything is recorded and anyone can set a world record doing pretty much anything, an Idaho man set his 100th Guinness World Record on Thursday by holding 100 candles in his mouth and lighting them at the same time. Sounds legit.
Walgreens Boots Alliance shared the news on Tuesday following U.S. Food and Drug Administration pressure to get retailers to keep tobacco out of the hands of young people. According to UPI, the new policy will go into effect on September 1.
Our neighboring state of Washington has proposed the "late merge zipper method as follows: It applies when two lanes are merging, and consists of drivers using both lanes of traffic until reaching the defined merge area, and then alternating in zipper fashion into the single lane.”